Friday, March 7, 2008

Alrighty....I'll play

Valarie from has tagged me. Here goes:

What Ifs:
What if I could meet someone in the art world to chat with… I think I would choose Mark Tucker. He's an awesome photographer from Nashville, TN. Check him out.

What if I could have one wish granted for the benefit of all mankind......Every snake would curl up and die. :)

What if I could travel anywhere in the world......I'm with Valarie. I think I would go to Italy. So when do we leave?

What if I could live in a period other than the present, for 24 hours......I would hang out with the Waltons. Good night John Boy.

What if I could make over three areas of my body......Hello! Lets not go there. We don't have all day.

What if I could become an animal for 24 hours........I am an animal. Just ask Shane. KIDDING!!! Gotcha. Shoot I don't know what kind of animal I would want to be. Good grief. Who wants to be an animal.

What if I could bring someone back to life for 24 hours.......Hmmm. I know this is more than one person, but I choose all of my grandparents. I would have liked to have known them. Oh. and Shane's grandfather. He really wishes I could have met him.

I don't have anyone to tag. So sorry.


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